Checkout Links API Documentation

The Checkout Links API allows you to programmatically create and manage checkout links for your store. This API is available for stores on the growth plan.

Base URL


All API requests require an API key sent in the x-api-key header. API keys are tied to specific stores and can only manage links for that store.

API Key Management Overview

  • Generate a new API key
  • Rotate existing API keys
  • Delete API keys

Each method allows you to manage access to your store's links securely.

Core Endpoints

The API provides several key endpoints:

  1. Links Management

    • List all links
    • Create new links
    • Retrieve specific links
    • Update existing links
    • Delete links
  2. API Key Management

    • Generate API keys
    • Rotate API keys
    • Delete API keys

Getting Started

  1. Ensure your store is on the growth plan
  2. Generate an API key
  3. Start creating and managing links

Next Steps

Continue reading the subsequent pages to learn about: